Item Description:
We Will Outlive Them - מיר װעלן זײ איבערלעבן
The story behind this Yiddish saying is a powerful story of Jewish resistance.
"In 1939, a group of Hasidic Jews from the Polish city of Lublin were backed up against barbed wire and ordered to sing to their own execution. One of the men began: “Lomir zich iberbetn, iberbetn, iberbetn” – “Let us reconcile…” But nobody joined him. Then he improvised: “Mir veln zey iberlebn, iberlebn, iberlebn” – “We will outlive them.” An eyewitness at the scene reported: “Instantly the song took hold among the entire people, until it catapulted [them] into a stormy and feverish dance.” The commander at first laughed, historian Moshe Prager writes, but then “he realized they weren’t accommodating him; they were defeating him. He ordered them to stop.” But they continued. Even when the SS troops charged at them, swinging whips and clubs." [Source]
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